Jason Furman, Chairman of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers, recently stated the Obama Administration believes “…adopting an innovation box would move tax policy in the wrong direction, increasing complexity and cost without a commensurate boost to innovation.” We, however, believe it’s premature to write off the innovation box, which provides a lower tax rate on income related to intellectual property (IP). SIA has supported an innovation box as a component of comprehensive tax reform to make the U.S. tax system more competitive with those in foreign nations.
Topics: IP, tax
President Obama released his 2016 Trade Policy Agenda on March 2. This thick document includes a raft of trade priorities for this Administration, including major trade agreements either under negotiation or completed: Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), Environmental Goods Agreement (EGA), Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA), and expansion of the Information Technology Agreement (ITA).
Read MoreTopics: trade, ITA, TPP
Semiconductors continue to be a massive export product for the United States, according to recently released government export statistics for 2015, fueling U.S. jobs, economic growth, and innovation. The total value of U.S. semiconductor exports in 2015 was $41.8 billion, which amounts to the third-highest of any manufactured export product. The combination of strong domestic production and foreign markets hungry for semiconductors led once again to this foundational product ranking as one of America’s leading exports in 2015.
Read MoreTopics: data, exports
SIA has long championed federal policies that promote U.S. innovation, economic growth, and global competitiveness. Now that the 114th Congress has reached its midpoint and lawmakers have resumed legislative work in the new year, it’s a good time to assess the progress made in 2015 on some of the semiconductor industry’s policy priorities and the work that remains for 2016. [DOWNLOAD SIA'S 2016 POLICY PRIORITIES HERE]
Read MoreTopics: IP, tax, trade, research, environment, anticounterfeiting, export, anti-counterfeiting, exports
SIA today testified at a hearing of the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) about the critical importance of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) to the U.S. semiconductor industry and the U.S. economy. Our core message was that trade is vital to the semiconductor industry’s ability to compete, innovate, and grow. SIA highlighted three specific ways the TPP promotes trade and strengthens our industry.
Read MoreTopics: trade, TPP
During tonight’s State of the Union address, President Obama outlined a vision for America’s future that includes priorities of great significance to the tech industry. SIA applauds the President’s support for policies to advance U.S. innovation. We also strongly support his call for congressional approval of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), an enormous, landmark trade agreement that would strengthen the U.S. economy, bolster America’s global technology leadership, and help ensure the United States writes the rules for 21st Century trade.
NAIROBI - At long last, the effort to expand the Information Technology Agreement (ITA) is now irreversibly bound for implementation July 1, 2016 after negotiators attending the 10th WTO Ministerial Conference in this capital city of Kenya reached final agreement on the phase-out periods for the 201 tariff lines covered by this landmark trade pact. The hard-fought outcome was announced this evening at a press conference at the Kenyatta International Conference Center, the venue for the ministerial event, and attended by WTO Director-General Roberto Azevedo and several trade ministers.