Semiconductor MES

March 23, 2017
MES for Semiconductor

Camstar’s Semiconductor Suite™ effectively replaces legacy and siloed manufacturing systems that haven’t kept pace with demanding and ever-changing requirements of semiconductor manufacturing. With Semiconductor Suite, manufacturers are no longer hindered by islands of automation and disjointed systems; now they can innovate, adapt and succeed. Manufacturers choosing Semiconductor Suite are up and running quickly, and are assured that the application can grow and adapt with their businesses. Semiconductor Suite is the Enterprise MES that allows you to:

Benefits for Operations

Improved Product and Process Traceability: : In one MES, trace any product, lot or unit and its processes across the entire supply chain of your Fab, Probe, Assembly, Test and Subcontractor operations. Traceability data includes backwards and forwards genealogy of materials consumed, processes and equipment utilized, parametric and quality data collected, exceptions, rework, dates and times, and electronic signatures.

Increased Throughput: Significantly increase overall throughput through real-time granular visibility into manufacturing and WIP, better process enforcements, and right first time production.

Increased Product/Process Yield: Reduce scrap and rework and improve first pass yield through systematic product/process controls by enforcing accurate data collections, usage of only authorized materials, utilization of the right procedures and equipment, certification of operators, and more.

Increased Capacity: Improve utilization of assets and human capital through real-time visibility and elimination of non-value added activities.

Improved Ramp to Volume and Yield: Improve yields affected by decreasing process improvement time and minimizing engineering change to line impact, provide process standardization, process enforcement, and real-time visibility into operations.

Benefits for Quality & Compliance

Reduce Risk Exposure to Quality Incidents: Reduce risk with systematic enforcement and forward and backward genealogy that assures your operator has the material, process parameters and data to make real time, in-line decisions.

Reduce Line and Site Variability: Standardize processes across operations within a site and between sites ensuring product consistency.

Better Traceability: Search across all manufacturing and quality related data – work order, lot, unit, operator, material, equipment, etc. in a matter of seconds.

Faster & Accurate Impact Analysis: Search and filter for suspect lots/units/material based on criteria such as component lots/sub-assemblies, equipment used, revision of specifications, and operators.

Better Product & Process Design: Receive accurate data on product and process performance information, actual occurrence rate of failure modes, identification of common failures by product/process, and via collaboration with product and process engineers.

Benefits for IT

Adaptable User Interface: Easily and rapidly configure user interfaces for each stakeholder that match the way they work. Increasing user speed and eliminating unnecessary steps during manufacturing. Support global operations worldwide with any language.

Full Scalability: Support frequent change and reconfiguration with an enterprise platform architecture that grows and adapts with you. Create flexible, scalable manufacturing processes that are easy to manage and are proven and reliable 24 X 365 operation.

Shop Floor to Top Floor Visibility: Utilize native, robust dashboard capabilities to provide relevant, real-time information to every stakeholder from Executives to Line Operators.

Single Manufacturing Standard: Simplify and Standardize IT systems across all operations, accounting for and better utilizing multiple concurrent manufacturing processes and assets.

Reduced Total Cost of Ownership: A single, modular enterprise manufacturing IT platform eliminates disparate and redundant systems and applications increasing system value while lowering total cost of ownership. Further reduce costs with significant out-of-the-box functionality and best practices avoiding custom coding and development.

Benefits for R&D and Engineering

Rapid NPI & Stabilization: Streamline design processes with concurrent product and process design transfer. reducing new product ramp time, and bringing innovative technologies more rapidly to market.Effective change management is essential to gaining process control and enforcement, significantly reducing variability. Camstar provides this control with centralized authorship of manufacturing process changes that can be rapidly and accurately deployed across your enterprise, allowing you to improve time to market without sacrificing quality.

Enhanced Modeling & Testing: Accurately understand manufacturing capabilities through integrated modelling and testing that leverages manufacturing and product past performance.

ECO Visibility & Performance: Understand the impact in real-time of systemically enforcing an engineering change order (ECO). View performance impact immediately, prevent/control downstream effects, and verify post-change results through effectivite monitoring and system alerts.

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