Semiconductor companies in Oregon

November 27, 2021
Semiconductor companies in


* Indicates primary type Manufacturer:
A company that makes stock products, which may be sold directly to customers and/or through distributors.

Custom Manufacturer:
A company that makes custom components or finished products according to a customer's specifications.

Finishing Service:
A company that performs a custom process to a component or product manufactured elsewhere. Examples include polishing, anodizing and plating.

A company that provides a service such as rental, repair, security, training, cleaning, etc.

Manufacturers' Rep:
A sales company that is contracted by a manufacturer to sell their products.

A company that sells products manufactured by a 3rd party.

Turnkey Systems Integrator:
A company that offers design, selection, sourcing and installation of equipment/machinery (manufactured by themselves or a 3rd party) for a custom solution conveyor, robotic, factory automation or other system.

Trade Association:
An organization, also known as an industry trade group, founded by businesses that operate in a specific industry that collaborates between its member companies.

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