We believe the semiconductor industry is poised to take on new challenges. Using the latest semiconductor technologies, which produce tiny circuits that can perform advanced functions with relatively low power consumption, our industry can help address some of the most compelling challenges we face as a society – issues relating to energy efficiency, mobile populations, national and personal security, and caring for the health of a growing and rapidly aging world population.
In particular, our industry has the potential to directly address our dependence on fossil fuels and minimize carbon emissions. Semiconductors are already reducing the power consumption of server farms and making consumer appliances operate more efficiently. They're also accelerating the deployment of energy-saving lighting technologies, and helping enable the shift to hybrid and electric vehicles. It is our collective responsibility, as an industry, to continue this trend of being proactive as we create value for consumers, the environment, and society as a whole. We believe that, by building on innovation and providing technologies that directly address societal demands, some of the most exciting times for the semiconductor industry lie ahead.
Sustainability in NXP’s strategy
Sustainability is the responsibility of the Executive Vice President Operations. The Sustainability Board establishes strategy and sets targets for sustainability, while the Sustainability Office performs operational functions. These include managing environmental, health, and safety conditions, overseeing the management of chemicals, monitoring and controlling sustainability related data, supporting customers and contracts, coordinating social investment, liaising with industry associations, and delivering internal and external communications on sustainability.
Our Code of Conduct (the "Code") specifies the rules of behavior that we, as individuals and as an organization, commit to. The BCC states that we are dedicated to being a responsible social partner and to working in a way that is economically, socially, and ethically sustainable. The NXP Ethics Commitee maintains the Code, proposing revisions and managing the processes related to its implementation.
Our Risk and Safety Board is, among other things, responsible for standards, policies, and improvement plans that relate to risk and health and safety. It is supported by our Insurance and Risk Management Department, our Business Continuity Management Office, and our Environment, Safety & Health (ESH) Councils, which consist of senior ESH managers from our worldwide sites and the Sustainability Office.
At NXP we make every effort to ensure that our working practices are responsible and sustainable. Our ambition is to go beyond compliance and to establish a global benchmark.
We foster ethical principles and respect for the environment, people, and our community while we pursue economic success.
Sustainability is a part of the way we conduct our business, the way we manage our company, and the way we interact with society at large.
We commit ourselves to sustainability because we recognize that this is inherent in our drive to create Secure Connections for a Smarter World.
Our policy
Values | NXP fosters a culture of sustainability, with a customer-focused passion to win, built on our values of raising the bar, engaging curiosity, taking initiative, working together, and developing deep core competence. |
Legislation | NXP complies with applicable legislation, regulations, and codes of practice, and, when appropriate, goes beyond specified standards. |
Ethics | NXP implements business practices according to defined codes of conduct within the company and throughout its global supply chain. |
Products | NXP is committed to creating products and packages that are of the highest quality, and ensures that, with each new generation, the environmental impact of their use and disposal is further reduced. |
Employees | NXP employs a diverse workforce and invests in its people, creating a workplace where every employee is encouraged to be the best that they can be. We believe in an environment that is safe, secure, and in which every employee is treated humanely. |
Environment | NXP conserves natural resources and reduces the environmental impact of its operations. |
Society | NXP actively promotes and engages, both individually and with partners, in social contribution activities that help strengthen the communities we operate in. |
Transparency | NXP sets targets, measures, and verifies its sustainability performance and publishes the results. |
Dialog | NXP engages in open, ongoing dialogs with employees, customers, investors, the public, and other key stakeholders to continuously improve its sustainability performance. |
Stakeholders' engagement and transparency
We operate in many different countries and ship to most countries in the world, and have close relationships with customers, other multinational electronics companies, and industry associations.