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ABSTRACT: A novel phase interpolator (PI) based linear model of multipath ring oscillator (MPRO) is described in this paper. By modeling each delay cell as an ideal summer followed by a single pole RC filter, the oscillation frequency is derived for a 4-stage differential MPRO. It is analytically proved that the oscillation frequency increases with the growth of the forwarding factor α, which is also confirmed quantitatively through simulation. Based on the proposed model, it is shown that the power to frequency ratio keeps constant as the speed increases. Running at the same speed, a 4-stage MPRO can outperform the corresponding single-stage ring oscillator (SPRO) with 27% power saving, making MPRO with a large forwarding factor α an attractive option for lower power applications. © 2015, Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea. All rights reserved.
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ABSTRACT: A 1.25 GHz multi-phase phase-rotating PLL is proposed for oversampling CDR applications and implemented with a low power and small area. Eight equidistant clock phases are simultaneously adjusted by the phase interpolator inside the PLL. The phase interpolator uses only two complementary clocks from a VCO, but it can cover the whole range of phase from 0° to 360° with the help of a PFD timing controller. The output clock phases are digitally adjusted with the resolution of 25 ps and both INL and DNL are less than 0.44 LSB. The proposed PLL was implemented using a 110 nm CMOS technology. It consumes 3.36 mW from 1.2 V supply and occupies 0.047 mm2. The jitterrms and jitterpk-pk of the output clock are 1.91 ps and 18 ps, respectively. © 2015, Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea. All rights reserved.
Source: www.researchgate.net

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