Power electronic components, modules and systems including wide bandgap devices technology are of high strategic importance in Europe. It is still possible to retain parts of the value chain in Europe; the related application areas are based on the deep knowledge and market position in aerospace and automotive industry, industrial electronics, energy transmission, renewable power generation (wind power, PV), healthcare, smart factories and prominent know-how for reliable materials for electronic assemblies. Contribution to the objectives of the SET-Plan in term of energy saving, efficiency, CO2 reduction are therefore part of this challenge.
Scope:The proposals should address the development of advanced, cost-effective, sustainable materials, architectures and processes for power electronics suitable for use in energy technologies.
The activities should focus on advanced materials for innovative power components and module, including packaging, new product development and application which will increase the reliability and operational lifespan of components under realistic and/or extreme conditions.
Considerable improvement of the operation of power-electronics devices based on the improved properties of the materials, device architectures, heat dissipation and/or processes should be addressed at component, module and system level. Realistic solution should be provided in term of operational characteristics like voltage, current level and sensitivity or switching frequencies or other relevant performance factors as well as in long term maintenance-free operation (resilience and reliability) with respect to the particular and stringent demand of the envisaged application.
Improvement in the cost and use effectiveness, including maintenance intensity should be quantified. Proposals may develop manufacturing concepts for the construction of components and modules with fewer production defects;
International cooperation with Japan is encouraged to tackle societal challenges, which are global by nature;
The implementation of this topic is intended to start at TRL 4 and target TRL 6.
This topic addresses cross-KET activities.
The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU between EUR 5 and 8 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.
Expected Impact:- Substantial improvement of the wide bandgap semiconductors materials and device performance;
- Reduced long-term in-service degradation, lowering maintenance needs and costs;
- Time to market of new materials and devices will be optimised (shortened);
- Development of Wide Band Gap semiconductor technologies to bring them closer to the applications for the leadership of European sector of power electronics industries;
- Creation of smart global value chains that enable value capture to Europe.
Proposals should include a business case and exploitation strategy, as outlined in the Introduction to the LEIT part of this Work Programme.
In the LEIT Space part of this Work programme, the topics COMPET-I-2016 and COMPET-I-2017 could also be of interest to certain applicants.
Co-funding opportunities from the Japan Science and Technology Agency exist for Japanese partners. For more information, please consult