Lecture Topics: high-k Si and Ge CMOS, high-k flash memory, ultra-low power green electronic devices, TFT and TFT-based non-volatile memory, RRAM, Si RF devices
Biography: Albert Chin received Ph.D. from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 1989 and B.S. from National Tsing Hua University in 1982.
He was with AT&T Bell Labs (1989~1990), General Electric- Electronic Lab (1990~1992) and Texas Instruments Semiconductor Process & Device Center (1996~1997). He has been a professor, vice executive officer of diamond project and deputy director of National Chiao Tung University, and a visiting Professor at National University of Singapore (2002~2006).
He is a pioneer of low DC-power high-κ CMOS, high-κ Flash memory, high mobility Ge-On-Insulator (GeOI) CMOS, low AC-power 3D IC, high RF power asymmetric-MOSFET, Si fs/THz devices, and resonant-cavity photo-detector. He co-authored >450 papers and 7 “Highly Cited Papers” (top 1% citation). His high-κ CMOS, GeOI, Flash memory and RF devices were also cited by ITRS www.itrs.net.
Dr. Chin served as the Subcommittee Chair, Asian Arrangements Co-Chair and Chair of IEDM Executive Committee. He is an IEEE Fellow, Optical Society of America Fellow, and Asia Pacific Academy of Materials Academician. He currently serves as Editor of IEEE Electron Device Letters and IEEE EDS Technical Committee Chair on Electronic Materials.